

Day 23 - Clutter Free Schedule

Welcome back to Day 23 of the 31 Days to a Clutter Free Home series.

Just like last Sunday, I'm talking a little more about having a clutter free schedule...since that ultimately leads to a clutter free home (since you have more time and energy to maintain your home and less stuff coming into your home because you're involved in fewer activities, etc.)

Friday over on Nesting Place I followed the link to The Nester's post on (in)courage. She absolutely put into words the thoughts I've been having lately as I work to balance building this blog, offering design services, teaching piano lessons, raising our 1 year old son, keeping the house clean for showings, cooking meals, getting parts for my husband's mechanic side work, preparing to move, etc, etc. I often find myself volunteering to do things because I "have the time" since I'm a "stay-at-home mom." But then I find myself completely overwhelmed and nearly paralyzed not knowing what to do first and what my priorities are.

This is how The Nester put it in her post:

"Over the past few years I’ve become weirdly, fiercely sensitive to how I spend my time....  My boys go to a University style school so they are in class 3 days a week and my husband and I home school them two days.  That means right now in this season of my life, I have 12 days a month, from 8-2:30 to do with what I will. ...No one else will protect your dream, your art, your calling.  Are you devoting your time to something good…. or the best thing for you and your family right now?"

So, today, spend some time thinking about what your priorities really are as a family. What is your family's purpose? There are plenty of "good" things we can do to fill our time. But rather, we need to focus on the "best" things for our families - the things that will help us achieve our priorities.

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