

Day 13 - Clutter Free Bathrooms

Day 13 - we're almost halfway through this Clutter Free series!

Today you're taking a tour of our bathroom cupboards. Doesn't get much more personal than that, does it? Anyways, I hope that someone finds this info helpful. :)

I'm going to throw a little Before/ After action at you. Our master bath is about 5 ft x 7 1/2 ft. There's a medicine cabinet above the toilet and another one over the sink and there's some cabinet space underneath the sink.
Soon after we finished remodeling this space, I noticed that the cabinets were quickly headed towards disorder. Here are the Before photos:

The medicine cabinets weren't all that terrible but there was not a lot of order to the contents and it was pretty easy to knock several bottles off the shelves at once due to how crammed together they were.

But underneath the sink was kind of a jumbled mess.

And here are the After photos:

I purchased the blue baskets shown above at JoAnn Fabrics in a dollar bin - I think I got all 5 for $1. It was a great deal. And they are the perfect size for categorizing and storing skinny little toiletries in a not-too-deep medicine cabinet. The only thing that would make it better would be labels. Still haven't done anything about that. There are a couple baskets on the top two shelves for organizing medications, and the bottom shelf baskets hold hair products and deodorant/perfume, respectively.

The cabinet above the toilet was organized easily with these 2 wooden "baskets". I got them on clearance at Home Goods. I think they were $3 each. I was able to basically use this cabinet for extra toiletries.

The baskets we were using in the cabinet underneath the sink worked, but they weren't all that convenient. I wanted to somehow be able to stack items and use the vertical space. I considered buying something like this from the Container Store but they seemed a bit flimsy and were still pretty open.

Then I got the fabulous idea to move in this plastic drawer unit that I already owned. I just removed one of the drawers so it would fit (since the unit was too tall for under my sink). So even though my vanity didn't come with drawers - now I have some! Woohoo! And it is not quite as tempting for my one year old to get into these drawers. Again, labels would be nice.

I use the top drawer for my baby wipes, makeup, hair dryer, brush, etc. The next drawer is Dave's - his electric toothbrush and electric shaver chargers, etc.
The next drawer contains feminine products and a mirror. And the bottom drawer holds the hair clippers. Toilet paper resides behind the trash can.

I also upgraded to a larger trash can since our smaller one filled up too quickly. I really like keeping the trash can inside the cabinet because it makes the bathroom look neater and Levi's less apt to get in it.

Another nice feature that leads to a clutter free bathroom, is that we installed a GFI outlet under our sink. You can see it in the before photo. It is really nice because then I can keep the blow dryer, Dave's electric toothbrush, etc. plugged in at all times, inside our drawer unit. I am no longer tempted to just leave the blow dryer plugged in and out on the countertop like I used to (before kids!) since I knew I'd be using it again tomorrow... Now it stays plugged in inside the cabinet and I never have to deal with the cord. It's ready to go at all times.

Once again, we keep our bath towels on shelves in the Master Closet.

So there you have it. For about $7 I was able to totally re-organize our master bath cabinets. Now we know where everything is at! Who's going to do the same?


  1. Wow! It looks like you have more room under your sink after (even though there's more stuff in it). And if I learn nothing else from the 31 days, hiding my trash cans is going to change my life ... genius!

  2. You did such an incredible job! Those little baskets work beyond perfect in that cabinet!

    Such a great before and after story!

