

Nate Berkus agrees - the Armoire ROCKS!

Remember how I wrote an entire post back in November praising the versatility of the armoire? I love them because you can use them as a home office, a coat closet when you don't have one, a craft station, or a pantry. Pretty much WHATEVER YOU WANT.

Here's a photo of our old home office setup in the armoire back in Indiana:

And here's an example of how you can use one for an entryway closet:

Or craft storage:

Or as a pantry in the kitchen:

I just love armoires!

So you can probably imagine my excitement when I was watching video clips over on The Nate Berkus Show site, and he made over a standard computer armoire for a guest. I could not wait to see what he did! Here's the video clip from his show. . .you have to see it!

. . .I just love how he points out how great it is that you can just shut the doors on your home office when you keep it in an armoire. And I love how he personalized the piece by lining the insides of the doors with cork to add tons of function and the outside door panels with a vintage print wallpaper to beautify the piece. I love his work. . .

And while we're on the subject, here are a few more inspirational armoires I've seen over on Pinterest lately. All I can say is "WOW". This piece of furniture ROCKS! You can just do SO MUCH with it.

Craft storage:

Additional storage for clothes and toys in a child's bedroom:

Ample shoe storage:

You know, my mom did this in her laundry room over 15 years ago. It was fabulous when my sister and I were living at home and we all 3 combined had so many shoes!!

You can even just use an armoire, like this one with glass doors, for book / trinket displays in a living area:

Or better yet, why not use it as a place for your childrens' toys and games and craft supplies? I love how they used a towel rod hanging from a shelf for butcher paper for the kids, and added chalkboards to the inside of the door...and used labels on the drawers to identify where toys belong. 

Anyone made over an armoire lately? What do you use yours for?